nmg5Multi 5 (c) 1998 Yun Sung.nmg5街机游戏中文名称: 益智五合一街机游戏英文名称: Multi 5街机游戏ROM 名称: nmg5.zip街机游戏ROM大小: 3042 k街机游戏类型: 经典合集类街机游戏This title contains five different games, one of which is a platform game, with the remaining four being puzzle games. They are :* "Tong Boy" combines elements from both "Donkey Kong" and "Donkey Kong Jr.".* Bubble Gum (a clone of "Puzzle Bobble") * Cross Point (a clone of "Columns") * Box Logic (a clone of "Logic Pro") * Rocktris, (a clone of "Tetris")