Challenge other drivers for a match of football (soccer) in this car game!
All world's national football teams are included with their real powers in Autoball League. So be careful while selecting your opponent. Hit and kick your opponents to get more crash score! There are 26 different cars are waiting for you to drive them and 10 different cups to drift ... Use your nitro (rocket) and jump to score more goals. From "Controls" and "Settings" panel you can customize your game as you wish, so don't forget to see this panels. FRANCE EURO 2016 teams are added and grouped, you can choose your team from these teams also. Don't forget to swipe your finger up to give height to the ball while shooting! Features ---------- - Easy to learn and drive - 10 different sized fields (1x1, 2x2, .., 6x6, .. 11x11) - Upgradable 26 different cars - Simulator-like controls - Nitro (Rocket) - Jump - Kick - All world football teams - France Euro 2016 teams - Top 45 teams - Replays Good luck! Enjoy it! 在这辆车游戏挑战其他车手对比赛的足球(足球)的! 世界上所有的国家足球队都包含在Autoball联赛的实权。所以,要小心,而选择你的对手。 打踢你的对手,以获得更多的得分崩溃! 有26个不同的车都等着你来赶他们和10个不同的杯子漂... 使用您的硝基(火箭)和跳转进更多的球。 从“控制”和“设置”面板中,您可以自定义你的游戏,你想,所以不要忘记看到这个面板。 法国2016年欧洲球队都添加分组,你可以从这些球队也可以选择你的团队。 不要忘了向上滑动手指来给予高度的球,投篮命中率! 特征 ---------- - 易于学习和驱动器 - 10不同尺寸的字段(1x1的,2×2,...,6×6,.. 11×11) - 升级的26种不同的汽车 - 模拟样控制 - 硝基(火箭) - 跳跃 - 踢 - 所有世界足球队 - 法国2016年欧洲队 - 排名前45位的球队 - 重赛 祝你好运! 好好享受!