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欧陆风云4 v1.20升级档+天命DLC+免DVD补丁CODEX版 Windows版
欧陆风云4 v1.20升级档+天命DLC+免DVD补丁CODEX版
欧陆风云4 v1.20升级档+天命DLC+免DVD补丁CODEX版
类型:游戏补丁   |  时间:2017.04.07
语言:简体中文   |  大小:340.7 MB

欧陆风云4 v1.20升级档+天命DLC+免DVD补丁CODEX版






Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven

Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven Content Pack





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- 破坏:现在省份的破坏计数器从0到100%。焦烧的地球和抢劫现在增加这个值,而不是单独的修饰符。一个省份的动乱也慢慢增加。
- 添加统计按钮,打开结束游戏/统计视图到游戏菜单。
- 游戏现在有四个不同的年龄。
- 从游戏中删除了绝对的君主制,并用Absolutim的缩放机制取而代之,这是绝对权力的时代。
- 从1650年之前移动宗教锁只能在“发现时代”和“变革时代”的脚本中有效。
- 与统计页面中的其他玩家进行了更好和更差的比较。
- [战争的艺术]自动舰队运输现在停靠在可能的情况下拿起你的军队。
- 将旧的帝国帝国阵营替换成更适合历史和各自角色的新帝国阵营。
- 如果您有贷款,您现在可以决定自行申报破产。
- 单位现在在破碎的撤退中使用撤退动画。
- 加强政府现在增加+2的绝对主义。

- 雇佣兵现在优先进入其单位类型的战斗(例如雇佣兵步兵放在第一位)
- 国家维护在首都地区不再是100%免费,而是-50%。
- 资本国家现在也有+ 5%的差距。
- 当SPA成为ARA时,CAS的限制为40。
- 行政效率的技术影响现在是0-30%,而不是0-60%,因为绝对主义也会影响到0-40%。
- 事件,决定和其他脚本调整使用绝对主义。
- 间谍不再被发送回家,而是在一年内有-100%的网络建设。
- Stabhit和平人员现在已经恢复到战争的50%,只有在战争至少有50%的时候。
- 你不能再打电话给与你正在攻击的人休战的盟友。
- 胜利卡片启动/关闭现在是10年,而不是20年。
- 日本传统现在是5%的纪律,而不是+ 10%。
- 奥斯曼·米勒现在是取芯成本的20%,而不是33%。
- 即使你没有填满以前的牌,你现在也可以获得最后的胜利牌。
- 一个完全胜利的胜利卡每个月都会增加+1分。
- 现在雇佣兵的成本是加固的两倍。
- 佣兵团现在的基地购买价格为10美元,每个团体的成本为20,35和40美元。
- 降低自由发展欲望。 100%的自由欲望在500发展
- 戴米斯不再是霸主的外交关系
- 幕府省给予额外的外交官和特使旅行时间来补偿外交关系的损​​失
- Ayuthayan事件现在给了2重商主义而不是7。
- 现在只能要求最多50%的另一个国家的贸易权力。
- 美国原住民技术5号步兵单位从6减少到4。
- 将count_coups的想法从15%的士气减至10%
- Spine网络现在在被发现时衰减。
- 自由主义现在取决于绝对主义。
- 非支流科目现在可以免受大多数灾害的影响。
- 删除了保护国,他们现在都被认为是附庸。你可以从附庸和派遣官员到游行进行转移贸易和占领领土。
- 破产现在对士气,动乱和自主权的影响较小,仅5年。
- 现在永远不可能在一个国家多次形成相同的标签。
- 政府和技术的国家数量急剧减少。
- RNW不应再生成超过5个省份的地区。
- 无条件投降已经影响到自主权,战争疲惫和制度传播就像你在和平。
- 如果无条件投降,灾难现在慢慢下降。
- 所有拥有的省份都有0动乱,而你已经投降了。
- 无条件投降的国家不能贷款,也不得低于0日内的资金,每个月都会自动解雇所有顾问。
- 手工增长发展现在也减少了破坏。
- 如果您没有权力丢失,则不再可能增加生殖器。
- 从科技组中删除骑兵比例,并添加到其他修饰符。默认值为50%。
- 草原部落政府现在拥有+ 25%的骑兵比例。
- Winged Hussars Idea现在提供+ 10%的骑兵比例。
- 哥萨克人快乐村现在提供+ 10%的骑兵比例。
- 逊尼派宗教失去了自己的能力,但获得了+ 10%的骑兵比例。
- 腾格里失去2次动乱,但获得+ 25%的骑兵比例。
- 腾格里现在有20%的廉价团体,从10%便宜的reg


Update v1.20:
######################### 1.20 ###############################

# Free Features
- Devastation: Provinces now have devastation counter that goes from 0 to 100%. Scorched Earth & looting now increases this value instead of having separate modifiers. Unrest slowly increases it in a province as well.
- Added Statistics button that opens End game/Statistics view to in-game menu.
- The game now has four different ages.
- Removed Absolute Monarchy from the game, and replaced with a scaling mechanic called Absolutim which is valid from Age of Absolutism.
- Moved religious locks from before the year 1650 to be valid from script in Age of Discovery & Age of Reformation only.
- added better and worse comparisons to other players in statistics page.
- [Art of War] Automatic Fleet Transport now docks to pick up and drop off your armies when possible.
- Replaced old Celestial Empire Factions with new ones that better fit history and their respective roles.
- You can now decide to declare bankruptcy on your own if you have loans.
- Units now use retreat animations during shattered retreat.
- Strengthen Government now increases absolutism by +2.

# Gamebalance
- Mercenaries now get priority in entering the battle inside their unit type (e.g. mercenary infantry gets placed in the middle first)
- State Maintenance is no longer 100% free in the capital area, but is instead -50%.
- Capital State now also have +5% Instition Spread.
- Province limit for CAS when forming SPA as ARA increased to 40.
- Tech impact for administrative efficiency is now 0-30% instead of 0-60%, as absolutism impacts it 0-40% as well.
- Events, decisions & other scripts tweaked to use absolutism.
- Spies no longer are sent home when discovered, but instead have a -100% to network buildup during a year.
- Stabhit peaceoffers have now been restored to 50% of the warscore, and only if warscore is at least 50%.
- You can no longer call in allies that have a truce with someone you are attacking.
- Prussian Militarisation is now 50% harder to maintain now.
- Prussian Militarisation is now less impact on maintenance cost and manpower.
- Victory Cards ticking up/down is now 10 years instead of 20 years.
- Japanese Traditions are now 5% discipline instead of +10%.
- Ottoman Millets are now 20% coring cost reduction instead of 33%.
- You now get the final victory cards even if you haven't fullfilled previous ones.
- A fully maxed victory card adds +1 score each month now.
- Mercenaries now cost twice as much to reinforce.
- Mercenary regiments now cost 10 more as base purchase price, for a static 20, 35 & 40 cost per regiment.
- Reduced Liberty desire from development in vassals. 100% liberty desire at 500 development
- Daimyos no longer count towards diplomatic relations for their overlord
- Shogunate given additional diplomat and envoy travel time to compensate for Diplomatic Relations loss
- Ayuthayan events now give 2 mercantilism rather than 7.
- Can now only ask for at most 50% of another country's trade power.
- Reduced Native American Tech 5 infantry unit pips from 6 to 4.
- Reduced counting_coups idea from 15% morale to 10%
- Spynetworks now decay while being discovered.
- Liberalism now depends on Absolutism.
- Non-tributary subjects are now exempt from most disasters.
- Removed Protectorates, they are now all considered vassals instead. You can do divert trade & seize territory from vassals & send officers to marches.
- Bankruptcies now have less impact on morale, unrest and autonomy, and only last 5 years.
- Will now never be possible to form the the same tag more than once for one country.
- Reduced amount of states from government and technology dramatically.
- RNW should no longer generate areas with more than 5 provinces.
- Having done unconditional surrender now impacts autonomy, war exhaustion and institution spread like you are at peace.
- Devastation now slowly decline if you have unconditionally surrendered.
- All owned provinces have 0 unrest while you have surrendered.
- Nations that has unconditionally surrendered can not take loans, nor go below 0 in treasury, and will automatically dismiss all advisors each month.
- Manually increasing development now also decreases devastation.
- Colonies no longer generate unrest.
- No longer possible to increase autoonomy if you don't have authority to lose.
- Cavalry Ratios removed from techgroup, and added to other modifiers. Default is 50%.
- Steppe Horde government now have +25% Cavalry Ratio.
- Winged Hussars Idea gives +10% Cavalry Ratio now.
- Happy Cossacks Estates give +10% Cavalry Ratio now.
- Sunni Religion lost tolerance own, but gained +10% Cavalry Ratio.
- Tengri lost 2 unrest, but gained +25% Cavalry Ratio.
- Tengri now have 20% cheaper regiments, up from 10% cheaper regiments.
- Subjects occupying a province for you will now automatically discover that province for you.
- There is now a +5% bonus to colonising on the same continent as your capital.
- Bankruptcy now adds devastation to provinces, and clears recent uprising flag.
- The Eight Banners idea for Manchu increases the amount of banners you can raise by 25% for those that have MoH.
- Trust gain on start of game is no longer the same for all subject types.
- Trust loss on start of game due to Historical Rival now applies even for non-subjects.
- Cancel Subject now has war score cost capped at 60% if it cancels PU in succession war over target country and 100% otherwise.
- Sharing of maps can now be done when at war.
- Independent Daimyos that become subjects to Shogun or Emperor will again become Daimyo government.
- Nations in debt and running deficits can no longer buy ships. (aka, infinite money MP exploit.)
- Rebel Occupation is now giving the occupied modifier like other occupation.
- Devastation now have a far less impact on development cost.
- Trade Companies no longer gets counted as territory when it comes to autonomy.
- Subjects that count as independent (aka tributaries), no longer contribute to greatpower score.
- In Debt calculations now calculates current interests, not the one at end of last month. (exploit stopper)
- Going bankrupt now destroys all buildings built in the last 5 years.
- Manually removing a province from a trade company now makes it not produce any goods for 5 years.
- Devastation now have a minor impact on friendly and hostile movement speed.
- Spices now reduce devastation monthly by 0.1 instead of increasing core-cost.
- Provincial bonus from Wool is now +10% local movement speed.
- You can now scorch hostile territory, and now scorching only adds a moderate amount of devastation, but also adds a -50% hostile movement penalty for 5 years.
- Removed Colonial Nation penalty to Settler Chance and Colony growth.
- Daimyo subjects no longer increase your forcelimit by 1.
- A country is now considered to be in debt if having loans at more than 2 years of income.
- You can now claim Defender of Faith even when current holder has positive prestige.
- Core creation cost reduction cap changed from 90% to 80% (before admin efficiency and territorial core reductions).
- Core creation time now can't go below 6 months.
- Fixed bug with AI merchant placement.
- Improved initial placement of merchants.
- Colonial Nations can now start war with neighbours of another religion group.
- Removed rule that you couldn't make a separate peace with the holder of the war goal province.
- Deus Vult is now last idea in religous ideas.
- Subject types that allow Embargo Rivals interaction no longer allow Subject to make their own embargoes.





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